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Friday, October 16, 2015

Apple's New A9 Chipset Explained, Manufactured By Two Different Companies!

The "Performance Beast" all new iPhone 6S is rocking the market with its high-end specifications. But do you know? The heart of this phone, the all new A9 chip-set is NOT manufactured by Apple. It is designed by Apple but manufactured by two different companies, TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) & Samsung (Yes, Samsung! The biggest rival of Apple). Apple contracted these two companies for A9 processor. Why two companies? well answer is simple, due its huge quantity (13 million processors)!

Now here is the twist, the chip-set made by TSMC & chip-set made by Samsung are not exactly the same. Well TSMC built chip-set is slightly bigger in dimensions than Samsung built chip-set.(TSMC chip is 104.5 mm square while Samsung chip is 96 mm square). 
Does it matter to the performance and battery life of your device? The answer is Yes ! Bigger the chip, better is the performance and better is the battery life. That means TSMC running 6S is slightly better than Samsung  running 6S. If you are heavy phone user then only it makes slight difference in the performance and battery life. The TSMC chip-set does better job than Samsung chip-set; but you will hardly notice any difference if you are average phone user. Otherwise both the chip-set performs just fine.
The only way to check which company made A9 for your 6S is to download the 'Lirium' App available on Apple Store (after you buy the iPhone 6S). For iPhone 6S the chip-set code N71mAP (TSMC) & N71AP (Samsung) and for iPhone 6S+ it is N766mAP (TSMC) & N66AP (Samsung).

1 comment:

  1. seems Apple should review their use of Samsung...this chip performs less well, and it seems a majority of the macbook pro retina screens affected by Staingate ( are Samsung. Do I sense a conspiracy here?
