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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Charging Mistakes Those Kill Your Smartphone.

Overcharging The Phone

If your palm is sweating after disconnecting the phone from charger when it shows 100% charged, You are overcharging your phone which leads to bad battery performance. Maintaining your phone to 100% always is not an efficient way to keep battery strong. People often connect their phones to charger when its below 90%. Do not charge your phone too often. Let it go below 70% then connect the charger.

Letting Your Phone Die Frequently

Some people starts their day with 30-35% juice and at the end of the day it drops to 1-2%. Frequently letting your phone battery die is bad for Li-ion batteries. For better battery performance the phone should not show "Low Battery" warning too often. If you are switching off your phone for long time make sure you have charged it to at least 50%, if you keep the battery completely depleted then it will get into state known as "Deep Discharge State" which can severely affect battery life. 

Overheating The Batteries

Never keep your smartphone under direct sunlight for too long period. This will overheat the battery and can permanently damage your smartphone. Playing games or watching videos on phone while its on charging can degrade the battery life and performance of your phone. Avoid talking on phone while its charging because it can overheat the phone and it will be harmful to user also. To avoid overheating charge your phone in cool places and remove phone covers while charging.

Battery Banks

Battery banks are very popular as a backup for your phone. But using it too often can lead to bad battery performance and it can damage your battery bank too.

Avoid Using Wrong Chargers

Every smartphone is designed differently, so the chargers came with the box is designed to provide perfect current and voltage rating. Some smartphones chargers have built-in kill power facilities when phone is fully charged. Using cheap or wrong chargers and USB cables can damage your smartphone due to its different power ratings.

For Better Battery Life

  • Let your phone discharge completely then charge it to 100% once in a month.
  • Keep Wi-Fi, Mobile Data, Bluetooth Off when you are not using it.
  • Uninstall useless applications from your phone. 
  • Uninstall the applications which overheats your phone while using.
  • Clearing caches and rebooting your phone once in a week can help in better performance.
  • Keep your smartphone in Flight mode while travelling to long distance as phone will drain more battery for low or no range/ network locations and for searching the network.


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